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Course duration : 6 hours
Cost : $75 including the manual, in the case of the classroom course only.


This course, designed to answer the questions of all those interested in wild turkey, is also mandatory for residents to hunt wild turkey in the province of Quebec. An amount of $ 15 is taken from the registration fee for the benefit of the Fonds pour l’établissement du dindon sauvage au Québec (Fund for the Establishment of Wild Turkey in Quebec).


You have the choice between registering for a classroom course in your area, or taking the online course on the Internet. In both cases, an electronic version of the manual Biologie, chasse et aménagement du dindon sauvage au Québec 2e édition (in french only), is available below.


For those who choose the online training, a printed version of the manual (available in french only) can be ordered from the online store of la Fédération québécoise des chasseurs et pêcheurs.




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