Hunter's Certificate & Firearm Licence

Hunter's certificate
The Hunter's certificate is issued by the Ministère des Forêts, de la Faune et des Parcs. It is mandatory if you want to purchase a hunting licence..
There are two ways to get it.
By passing the following two courses:
- Canadian Firearms Safety Course (CFSC)
- Introduction to hunting with a firearm (IHF)
By successfully completing the Initiation to Hunting with Bows or Crossbows (IHBC) course.
The hunter's certificate carries codes that allow you to hunt with certain types of hunting gear:
- code F: firearms (Successful CFSC and IHF courses)
- code A: bows AND crossbows (Successful IHBC course)
- code B: Since July 2020, people having a code B on their hunter's certificate can hunt with a bow and a crossbow.
* A course equivalent to the hunter's certificate for the handling of the firearm obtained elsewhere in Canada is now recognized. To obtain your hunter's certificate, you must submit a certificate or proof of competence issued by the province or territory concerned to the Ministère des Forêts, de la Faune et des Parcs. For more information and to make your request, contact the MFFP.
Firearm possession and acquisition licence (PAL)
The Firearms Possession and Acquisition License is a document issued by the Department of Justice Canada. It is obtained after completing a permit application (form RCMP 5592) available on the Royal Canadian Mounted Police website.
To complete this form, you will need your Hunter's Certificate OR your Canadian Firearms Safety Course (CFSC) Certificate attesting the successful completion of the CFSC.
CFSC course is mandatory to obtain a Possession and Acquisition License.
Restricted firearms (handguns)
To obtain a Possession and Acquisition License for Restricted Firearms, it is mandatory to take, in addition to the CFSC course, the course for Restricted firearms.