Frequently asked questions (FAQ)

I already have a firearm possession and acquisition licence, but I also want to hunt.
I took the IHBC crossbow course, but now I want to qualify for the bow
The practical test for bow hunting was abolished in July 2020. Only successful completion of the IHBC course is now required for bow hunting.
I have to retake an exam that I failed
In the case of CSFC, you can register, at a lower cost, for the following session : Retest CSFC (RCFSC)
I lost my Hunter's Certificate and I want to replace it
Follow the instructions given by the MFFP at the section titled « Replacing Certificates ».
I ask again for my Hunter's Certificate following a cancellation (penalty) :
It is necessary to wait for the end of the Hunter's Certificate cancellation period before enrolling in a CFSC, IHF, IHBC or ARCP course. If you take a course during the cancellation period, it will not be recognized and you will not be refunded. You will have to take the course again and pay the corresponding fees at the end of the cancellation period.
I need to requalify for the firearm Possession and acquisition licence (PAL) after a cancellation (penalty)
It is necessary to wait for the end of the PAL cancellation period before enrolling in a CFSC, IHF, or IHBC course. If you take a course during the cancellation period, it will not be recognized and you will not be refunded. You will have to take the course again and pay the corresponding fees at the end of the cancellation period.
What are the significations of the codes oh the hunter's certificate ?
The Hunter's certificate carries codes that allow you to hunt with certain types of hunting gear :
- code F : firearms (Succesful CFSC anf IHF)
- code A : bows and crossbows (Sucessful IHBC)
- code B : Since July 2020, people having a code B on their Hunter's certificate can hunt with a bow and a crossbow.
What certification is required to trap ?
To obtain the trapper's certificate, you must pass the exam of the trapping and management of fur animals (TMFA) module, offered by the Fédération des trappeurs gestionnaires du Québec.
Does the initiation to hunting with firearm course also give me the right to hunt with a crossbow ?
No. Since January 1, 2007, it is mandatory to take the Initiation to Hunting with Bow or Crossbow (IHBC) course to be able to hunt with a crossbow.
Exception: people who took their IHF course between 2003 and 2006 have a hunter's certificate with the code "B", allowing the use of the crossbow. During this period, theoretical notions of crossbow hunting were covered in the IHF course. Contact Sécurité nature before registering if you are not sure if you have received your "B" code following an IHF course taken between 2003 and 2006.
I already have a hunter's certificate and I wish to apply for a Firearm possession and acquisition licence (PAL)
Proof of a security course certification is required with your firearms license application. In Québec, the Hunter's certificate coded F (following the CFSC and IHF courses) or the Certificate attesting the successful completion of the CFSC coded L (following the CFSC course only) can either serve as proof.
However, if your hunter's certificate is not marked "PERMANENT", it may be refused. Just ask the Ministère des Forêts, de la Faune et des Parcs to replace your certificate to obtain an updated version (there is a charge for this service).
When completing your request form, you must specify whether your course were completed before 1995 (course approved by the Attorney General of Québec, before the creation of the CFSC) or after 1995 (the hunter's certificate coded F obtained since that date is proof that the CFSC has been successful).