Retake a Failed Exam

the theoritical and practical exams of the Canadian firearm safety course and the Canadian restricted firearm safety course can be retake at a lower cost.
Test duration : Approx. an hour
Cost : $ 66 (including taxes) for CFSC ($ 68 as of January 1st 2025) / $ 80 (including taxes) for CRFSC ($ 82 as of January 1st 2025)
These tests are only intended for people who have followed the CFSC/CRFSC in Quebec but who have failed the theoretical exam and / or the practical exam. Since June 18, 2015, the exam challenge is no longer accepted. You should only repeat the test that you failed and that is specified in the failure letter you received from Sécurité nature. This letter is necessary to complete your registration for the retest. Following your registration, you will receive details of the location and time of your exam(s). During the exam, you will need to have photo ID, as well as your Sécurité nature failure letter. If you no longer have this letter in your possession, call toll free 1-888-LAFAUNE (1-888-523-2863) or contact us by email at
NB: The fixed cost mentioned above is applicable whether you have one or two tests to retake.
Cancellation policy : Cancellations made more than 48 hours before the course will be subject to a 12 % service fee. Less than 48 hours before the course, registration cannot be modified and is non-refundable.
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